What cranial nerve(s) were damaged with their stroke?

Initial Post Instructions
You are working at an assisted living facility and one of your clients has suffered a CVA. The client can no longer move the muscles on the right side of their face. They are also having trouble tasting and swallowing their food. What cranial nerve(s) were damaged with their stroke?

Minimum of 2 sources cited
APA format for in-text citations and list of references.

Week 5 Discussion: Sensory, Motor, and Integrative Systems
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Required Resources
Read/review the following resources for this activity:

Textbook reading
In your reference for this assignment, be sure to include both your text/class materials AND your outside reading(s).

Initial Post Instructions
Tiana has had a long hard day at work. After a 12 hour shift of being on her feet, she just wants to soak her feet and go to bed. Before sticking her legs into the tub, she touches the water with her hand to gauge the temperature. Trace the pathway involved in transmitting the sensation of heat from her right hand to the cerebral cortex. Make sure to include what type of nerve ending would be involved as well as what area(s) of the brain will the information be transmitted to?

Provide some pictures of someone that you have labeled in a way that accurately and effectively describes all of the structures listed below.

Provide some pictures of someone that you have labeled in a way that accurately and effectively describes all of the structures listed below.  use fully clothed pictures and keep this assignment scientifically clean! Identifying all of these structures can potentially create a very cluttered and confusing picture, so keep each picture neat and as understandable as possible. Use as many pictures as you need.

Identify the following muscles of facial expression and mastication:
corrugators supercilii
orbicularis oculi
zygomaticus major
orbicularis oris
depressor anguli oris

Identify the following structures associated with the neck and trunk:
hyoid bone
trapezius muscle
pectoralis major muscle
latissimus dorsi muscle
rectus abdominis
linea alba

Identify the following structures of the upper limb:
carpal bones
metacarpal bones
deltoid muscle
biceps brachii
triceps brachii

Identify the following structures of the lower limb:
tarsal bones
metatarsal bones
quadriceps femoris muscles
hamstring muscles
gastrocnemius muscle
tibialis anterior muscle
sartorius muscle

Briefly explain the anatomical and physiological concepts in the laboratory activity. Provide background information to give the reader a basic understanding of the subject matter. Give an overview of the purpose of the activity.

Endocrine System Lab Report

For this assignment you will complete a lab experiment on Physio Ex. After completing the experiment, you will write a lab report that consists of:
1. Includes an informative title, class and section name, instructor name and date of  submission
2. Briefly explain the anatomical and physiological concepts in the laboratory activity. Provide background information to give the reader a basic understanding of the subject matter. Give an overview of the purpose of the activity.
3. Material and Methods: Describe the procedure in paragraph form. Your description should give enough information so the one unfamiliar with the activity could understand what was performed and whether it was performed properly.
4. Present your data in table or figure form with an appropriate title. The tables/ figures should be self explanatory and include proper legends, labels and units. DO NOT cut and paste the raw data you obtained in the experiment. Your results should be presented on your own table/ figue/ graph.  Summarize the data and note the trends. Do NOT interpret the data. Explain what can be directly observed from the data.
5. Give a detailed explanation/ interpretation of the results and their significance. Refer to the tables/ figures in the results section. Relate the results to the principles of anatomy and physiology.

Describe the procedure in paragraph form. Your description should give enough information so the one unfamiliar with the activity could understand what was performed and whether it was performed properly.

Endocrine System

1. Title page: Includes an informative title, class and section name, instructor name and date of  submission
2. Introduction: Briefly explain the anatomical and physiological concepts in the laboratory activity. Provide background information to give the reader a basic understanding of the subject matter. Give an overview of the purpose of the activity.
3. Material and Methods: Describe the procedure in paragraph form. Your description should give enough information so the one unfamiliar with the activity could understand what was performed and whether it was performed properly.
4. Results: Present your data in table or figure form with an appropriate title. The tables/ figures should be self explanatory and include proper legends, labels and units. DO NOT cut and paste the raw data you obtained in the experiment. Your results should be presented on your own table/ figure/ graph.  Summarize the data and note the trends. Do NOT interpret the data. Explain what can be directly observed from the data.
5. Discussion: Give a detailed explanation/ interpretation of the results and their significance. Refer to the tables/ figures in the results section. Relate the results to the principles of anatomy and physiology.
6. Literature cited: References cited are complete and consistent in format. Cited references are listed in alphabetical order.

Write a paper 275 words or more about subjects that deal with this particular skeleton, such as information on the fibrous, cartilaginous, and synovial joints or the classification of joints, the pelvic girdle, or the lower limbs.

Fun Facts about the Appendicular skeleton

Write a paper 275 words or more about subjects that deal with this particular skeleton, such as information on the fibrous, cartilaginous, and synovial joints or the classification of joints, the pelvic girdle, or the lower limbs.  feel free to use pictures and or videos to explain this topic and please cite sources

How do you think these individuals cope with such injuries? How can we decrease the number of these types of injuries. Considering structure and function, has modern activity “outdistanced” the structural protection for our nervous system that was provided by nature? Hear of “Murderball”?

When the Spinal Cord is Injured Discussion

When the spinal cord is injured some bodily functions such as breathing and toilet control may be impaired. Many of these injuries occur as a result of “high risk” behaviors.

How do you think these individuals cope with such injuries? How can we decrease the number of these types of injuries. Considering structure and function, has modern activity “outdistanced” the structural protection for our nervous system that was provided by nature? Hear of “Murderball”?