Critically analyze the ideas in the text to make a claim about the relationship between gender and success and explain this analysis to readers.

• Main Goals for Essay – Be written in 3rd person only-MLA.
• Focus your essay on a strong statement that makes a claim about the relationship between gender and success and provide reasons for that claim .
• Provide effective and developed support for your claim by summarizing the ideas from the texts as appropriate.
• Critically analyze the ideas in the text to make a claim about the relationship between gender and success and explain this analysis to readers.
• Create organized paragraphs that focus on one main point and divide your argument into manageable chunks for your readers.
Texts for Essay – 2 texts+ 1 video+ 2 outside sources
• “I Won. I’m Sorry.” By Mariah Burton Nelson
• “The Lady Vanishes” LINK: vanishes/
• “Windy City Full of Meat” by Tina Fey

Write a statement containing the topic and 4 main points .Write a complete outline for the research paper.

1. Write a statement containing the topic and 4 main points .

2. Write a complete outline for the research paper.

3. Use the sources listed in the attached bibliography.

Topic: “Cry of the Children” by Elizabeth Barrett Browning

The 4 main points that you will write about. The paper must cover all 4 of the following topics:

1. The historical context of the social/political issue
2. The author’s position on the issue
3. The modern perception of the issue
4. The biblical perspective on the issue

It is important that the 4 main points in the thesis are listed in the same order that they will follow in the actual paper.

The number of sub-points underneath each main point is flexible. Decide how many sub-points you need to prove your claims. Each main point should have its own paragraph, but you may need to split a main point into two paragraphs. Just make sure any paragraph divides make logical sense.

How successful is Miller in adapting material from the Odyssey?

Circe – Madeline Miller

Give a review of the novel Circe, by Madeline Miller. Use two sources, one being the book itself and the second the poem, The Odyssey, translated by Emily Wilson.

Touch on the below points:

1. How successful is Miller in adapting material from the Odyssey?

2. If Miller changes materials regarding the original myth, why and how does she do so? What purpose does it serve?

3. Focus primarily on the characterization of Circe

4. To a lesser degree, some other examples of topics to discuss in the paper: Circe’s relationship with the gods and/or humans; the changing characterization of Odysseus; the characterization of ‘minor’ characters like Hermes, Pasiphae, or Jason; the nature of the gods in general as portrayed in the novel; the novel’s sense of time. You might also consider whether Miller’s understanding of Circe, Odysseus, and the Odyssey impacts how you understand those characters and the ancient text.

If this is true, who (or what) is the hero of The Marriage of Heaven and Hell? And why would Blake write such a satirical work to make the point that Frye is suggesting?

This is an essay for a class about the poet and author WIlliam Blake. This should be written by someone who is very familiar with William Blake and has read “The Complete Poems” edited by Alice Ostriker. Please let me know if there is no available writer who has read that. I pasted the prompt below, there are 3 to choose from, and one of them also includes the reading “Fearful Symmetries” by Frye. You can pick whichever one the writer is more comfortable with. I think all the professor is looking for is a deep understanding of William Blake’s writings, with some personal opinions as well, so if that can be communicated it would be great. Thank you and please let me know if you have any questions.

Essays should be five-to-six pages (1500-1800 words), double-spaced, with normal margins. Be sure to give your essay a title. E-mail a copy of your essay to me at the e-mail above attached as a Word file (.doc or .docx), or a Rich Text File (.rft). Papers are due by midnight, Friday, October 11.

Choose one of the following questions.

1. Consider Blake’s concepts of “Innocence” and “Experience” by performing a close reading of “Introduction” or “The Lamb” from Songs of Innocence along with “The Tyger” or “The Human Abstract” from The Songs of Experience. (So, a close reading of one poem from “Innocence” compared to a close reading of one poem from “Experience.”) Keep in mind the drafts of both “The Tyger” and “The Human Abstract” to be found in The Complete Poems on pp. 145-8. Consider as well how these concepts of Innocence and Experience relate to Blake’s notion of “Contraries.”

2. Concerning Blake’s reading of Milton in The Marriage of Heaven and Hell, Northrop Frye, in Fearful Symmetry, writes:

“Milton’s God, Blake says, is the real Satan, the prince of the power of the air, the creator of a physical universe which is the subterranean cave or hell of eternity. The real God dwells in the real Eden, a city of flaming fire. Milton’s Satan is [a figure representing] the power of human desire which gradually and inevitably declines into passive acceptance of impersonal law and external reason. Thus Blake’s point is not that Satan is the hero of Paradise Lost, but that there is no hero of Paradise Lost.” (219)

If this is true, who (or what) is the hero of The Marriage of Heaven and Hell? And why would Blake write such a satirical work to make the point that Frye is suggesting? Consider some of the meanings of Blake’s work: To whom is it written? How do its parts – and their different genres (free verse, proverb, prose parody) interrelate? Consider why this book remains Blake’s best-known, most frequently referenced work.

3. Referring to “The Four Zoas,” S. Foster Damon calls the universe Blake has created “psychological” (A Blake Dictionary, p. 142). The Book of Urizen and The Book of Los mirror each other: both tell the story of the binding of Urizen by Los, both are parodies of the first chapter of Genesis, and both effectively invent the two major personae of Blake’s imaginal world. If, as Damon contends, Blake’s universe is psychological, then of what part of his psychology are Urizen and Los representative? Propose a reading of either or both of these poems that asserts a meaning for these poems in the sense of a psychology of the literary imagination more broadly, or Blake’s imagination more restrictively.

Examine how the theme of love is intertwined with another theme,such as marriage,family,desire,social class,and friendship.

The Green Knight

The Green Knight. (2021)You can focus on forbidden love, platonic love, unrequited love, or familial love. In the film you chose, examine how the theme of love is intertwined with another theme,such as marriage,family,desire,social class,and friendship.

Analyze three relationships in the film to show how the two themes are intertwined.

In the film,the theme of love is intertwined with the theme of,as demonstrated by the relationships of [first pair], [second pair], and [third pair].

What is the wasteland in your section (examples: Lack of passion, miscommunication, disconnection, Something mental, something physical)? How does the wasteland connect to a main theme in your section?

Wasteland by T. S. ELIOT

Choose your favorite section of the Wasteland by T. S. ELIOT(not including section 4 which is the shortest). Also do not to just go with section one because it was the first one unless it really was your favorite. Answer the following questions:

What is the wasteland in your section (examples: Lack of passion, miscommunication, disconnection, Something mental, something physical)? How does the wasteland connect to a main theme in your section? Can you describe your wasteland in 3-5 words?

What are some reoccurring images in your section and what might be one significance to them?

come up with an alternative title and explain why.

what is one useful footnote and why?