Discuss transferability and application of astro-tourism practices to Kielder Water and Forest Park.

Assessment 1: Project Report (70%)

For this assessment you will produce individually a formal written consultancy report. This assesses learning outcomes 1, 2 and 3.

Provisional marks and feedback are released within four working weeks of your submission.
Word count: 3000 words
Assessment title: Kielder Water and Forest Park Consultancy Report.
You must choose one of the consultancy projects below:
1: Kielder Water and Forest Park offers luxury Scandinavian style lodges on the lakeside of Kielder Water. Currently, they are increasing their accommodation capacity by building new lodges. You are required to;
• Review current accommodation provision of Kielder Water and Forest Park in terms of rural tourism and ecotourism perspective.
• Review current academic literature, case studies and examples of rural accommodation.
• Examine the current rural tourism market, including the characteristics of tourists, the attractions and amenities they seek, and the trends that affect their decisions.
• Provide recommendations for future accommodation developments.
2: All tourism enterprises and regions are impacted by seasonality whether severely or mildly. In winter, Kielder Water and Forest Park offers an award winning signature event – Winter Wonderland however there is a lack of events in other seasons. Explore the potential of other rural tourism events at the Kielder Water and Forest Park can organise to reduce the impacts of seasonality and improve the business sustainability. You are tasked to;
• Examine the potential for a new rural event at the Kielder Water and Forest Park.
• Review current academic literature and case studies of successful rural events and identify successful practices.
• Discuss transferability and application of these events and practices to Kielder Water and Forest Park.
• Identify (and segment) the market for this kind of offers and provide recommendations.
3. The food and beverage offer is subject to numerous trends and these trends have an impact on tourism and hospitality businesses’ success and profitability. It is critically important for Kielder Water and Forest Park to effectively respond to recent trends in the marketplace. You are tasked to;
• Review current the food and beverage offer of Kielder Water and Forest Park.
• Examine current the literature on key trends in the food and beverage sector of the hospitality industry.
• Evaluate impact of new food and beverage trends on consumer choice and spending.
• Provide recommendations for improvement of the food and beverage offer at Kielder Water and Forest Park.
4. Astro-tourism/dark skies: According to the Campaign for the Protection of Rural England (CPRE), the star-studded skies above Kielder Water & Forest Park are the darkest in England. You are required to;
• Review current academic literature and review of UK/international of activity to support the exploitation of astro-tourism and the dark sky as a tourism asset.
• Explain the advantages and disadvantages of Dark Sky Reserve status and how Kielder Water and Forest Park can economically benefit from astro-tourism.
• Discuss transferability and application of astro-tourism practices to Kielder Water and Forest Park.
• Provide an assessment of the potential markets for astro-tourism in Kielder Water and Forest Park.


Explain the importance of adding a fitness center at work (Call center office).

The importance of adding a fitness center (Gym) to a work office building (Call Center)

1. Explain the importance of adding a fitness center at work (Call center office).
2. Employee morale benefits of adding a gym to a call center office
3. Can adding a gym to a call center help with employee retention?
4. How can working out before work help employees lessen fatigue?
5. Can a free gym at work help employees who save money and improve team work?

Explain why it is important for counselors to understand their biases in regard to racial and cultural differences.

Increasing Your Cultural Competence

Complete at least two of the “Implicit Association Tests” (race, gender, sexual orientation, etc.) located on the Harvard website at https://implicit.harvard.edu/implicit/.

Write a 500-750-word reflection that addresses the following:

An identification of the test you completed.
A summary of the results.
An overview of your impressions (address both your strengths and areas of growth in your discussion).
A discussion about how you plan to address areas of growth and increase your cultural competence as a counselor-in-training.
A minimum of three goals in your plan related to increasing your cultural competence. Your goals should be specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time bound (S.M.A.R.T.).
A discussion about why it is important for counselors to understand their biases in regard to racial and cultural differences.
Include a minimum of two peer reviewed journal articles in your response (published within the last 3-5 years).

This assignment is informed by the following CACREP Standard(s):

2.F.2.a. Multicultural and pluralistic characteristics within and among diverse groups nationally and internationally.

2.F.2.b. Theories and models of multicultural counseling, cultural identity development, and social justice and advocacy.

2.F.2.c. Multicultural counseling competencies.

2.F.2.d. The impact of heritage, attitudes, beliefs, understandings, and acculturative experiences on an individual’s views of others.

2.F.2.g. The impact of spiritual beliefs on clients’ and counselors’ worldviews.

2.F.2.h. Strategies for identifying and eliminating barriers, prejudices, and processes of intentional and unintentional oppression and discrimination.

What unique qualities do you bring to a team in terms of your personality characteristics and quirks?
WRIT 200 Workplace Writing Skills
Assignment # 2

Due Date:
November 20, 2021
Value: 10%

Assignment Instruction

Part 1:

1. Watch Emily Eldrige’s TEDx Talk, “Why Collaboration is an Individual Effort”.

Write a list of the messages that Emily shares in her talk. Submit the list along with the Memo (see below).
Part 2:

Write an informational Memo to your project team (To: Project Team).
The purpose of this
memo is to provide your team with information about yourself as a team member.
Write the answers in paragraph format.
Your memo should answer the following questions:
1. What unique qualities do you bring to a team in terms of your personality characteristics and quirks?

2. What formal role do you normally like to take on in a team? Why?

3. What informal role do you normally like to take on in a team? Why?

4. What do you most like about working in a team?

5. What do you like least about working in a team?

6. How do you overcome conflict when working in a team?

7. What do you consider the two most important qualities in a fellow team member?

8. What are four guidelines or rules you would like to see implemented in your team contract?
Identify if this is your professional or media article Title of Article.


Topic: Identify the topic the article is addressing (see assignment) Professional or Media: Identify if this is your professional or media article Title of Article: Title of the article Source of Article: For the professional journal, make sure you identify the actual journal the article came from, not just the database For the media article,provide the name of the newspaper, magazine, etc. that the article came from.

Date of Article: Date the article was published Link to Article: Link to the article so that it can be accessed
Main Point(s) of Article: Professional – (5 points — 1 point for choice of appropriate article, 4 points for main point overview) — one medium paragraph (10-20 sentences) Media — (3 points — 1 point for choice of appropriate article, 2 for main points) — one short paragraph (5-7 sentences)
Reason for choosing this Article: Professional – (5 points) – one medium paragraph Media — (3 points) — one short paragraph
How does this Article relate to the topic: Professional – (5 points) — one medium paragraph Media — (3 points) — one short paragraph
What are your thoughts, ideas, feelings or opinions about this Article (contents, conclusions, etc.): THIS SHOULD BE THE LONGEST SECTION OF THE ENTRY. Professional – (10 points) — two medium paragraphs Media — (5 points) — one medium paragraph

How does this article relate to victimization and/or what we are talking about in class?


Topic: Professional or Media: Title of Article: Source of Article: Date of Article: Link to Article: Entry:

1. 1. Main Point(s) of Article:

1. 2. Why did you choose this article?

1. 3. How does this article relate to victimization and/or what we are talking about in class?

1. 4. Document your thoughts, ideas, feelings and/or opinions about the article and the information contained therein:

Define environmental justice and discuss the connection between this idea and global climate change, using specific details about contributing factors and resulting impacts.

Answer each question separately. 1 page for each question. Try to finish before 8:00pm

1. Define environmental justice and discuss the connection between this idea and global climate change, using specific details about contributing factors and resulting impacts.

2. Define ecosystem services and give three examples of such services. Discuss how each of your examples contributes to human well-being and how each of them might be threatened by human activity.

Molles, Manuel and Borrell, Brendan. Environment: Science, Issues, Solutions. New York: Freeman.

What are the key approaches in the chapters we read and how does she explain the way in which these approaches shift conventional research priorities in film and media studies?

Question to answer : What are the methodologies that Lauren Steimer uses in her research on stunting communities and performance in Experts in Action? What are the key approaches in the chapters we read and how does she explain the way in which these approaches shift conventional research priorities in film and media studies?

Instructions : The final exam assignment consists of reasoned and critical responses to the question posted. Keep quotes to a minimum, paraphrase when possible, and avoid long block quotes. keep your responses as focused and clear as possible. Focus completely on answering the question; cut out any extraneous prose that doesn’t directly relate to answering the question. ALL WRITTEN WORK MUST BE YOUR OWN