Discuss if the treatment was effective or ineffective in helping the couple work through the issue. Finally, explain whether or not you believe there is some other intervention that would be beneficial for this situation.

Treating External Factors

Social Work Practice With Couples and Family Systems Weeks Introduction Resources Discussion Assignment Week in Review My Progress Tracker

An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. —Benjamin Franklin American Politician
Couples are impacted by many external factors that may negatively affect their system. Couples are impacted by common life stage transitions , as well as uncommon life events such as infidelity, substance use, financial challenges, gambling problems. When working with couples it is important to remain aware of any external factors the couple is experiencing to help understand the impact on the dyad.
For this Discussion, search the Walden Library for an article that discusses treating couples where an external factor noted above has negatively impacted the couple to the point they are considering divorce.
By Day 4
Post an analysis of the article you found. In the analysis, identify which theory was utilized to treat this issue. Then, discuss if the treatment was effective or ineffective in helping the couple work through the issue. Finally, explain whether or not you believe there is some other intervention that would be beneficial for this situation.

Critically analyse why the age of criminal responsibility in England and Wales is not appropriate , use any research data and examples from the rest of the world to support your arguments .

Miscarriages of justice

Miscarriages of justice:

1. Critically evaluate the impact that a wrongful conviction can have the criminal justice system .
2. Critically evaluate the impact that a wrongful conviction can have on society.
3. Critically analyse why the age of criminal responsibility in England and Wales is not appropriate , use any research data and examples from the rest of the world to support your arguments .
This is a part of my work. I don’t need introduction and conclusion – this is just a middle part . be very laconic. Straight to the business, no “water”. Just facts. Harvard referencing in-text and reference list at the end, please.

Interpret the chi-square output data. What do the data say about the program?

Selection of a Statistical Analysis Approach

To prepare for this Assignment, review the Week 4 Handout: Chi-Square Findings and follow the instructions.

Submit a 1-page paper of the following:

An analysis of the relationship between study design and statistical analysis used in the case study that includes:
An explanation of why you think that the agency created a plan to evaluate the program
An explanation of why the social work agency in the case study chose to use a chi square statistic to evaluate whether there is a difference between those who participated in the program and those who did not
A description of the research design in terms of observations (O) and interventions (X) for each group.
Interpret the chi-square output data. What do the data say about the program?

Explain whether you might use your colleague’s strategy for addressing multiple perspectives when treating clients, and explain why.

Response: Looking Through Different Lenses

Respond to at least two colleagues in the following ways:

Address a colleague’s post that differs from yours with regard to at least one cultural lens and expand upon the colleague’s interpretation of Paula’s needs.
Explain whether you might use your colleague’s strategy for addressing multiple perspectives when treating clients, and explain why.


Compare the greatest challenge your colleague has identified to the one you posted. Explain whether you think your colleague’s strategy for addressing the situation is likely to be effective and why.

Response: External Factors Impacting an Organization

Read a selection of your colleagues’ posts.

Respond by to at least two colleagues in one of the following ways:

Compare the greatest challenge your colleague has identified to the one you posted.
Explain whether you think your colleague’s strategy for addressing the situation is likely to be effective and why.

Each response should be at least one paragraph.

Please label the responses as “screenshot 42” and “screenshot 43”

Respond to two of your colleagues’ postings and explain how your colleagues’ posts might help you refine and inform your own theoretical orientation.

Theory Integration

Respond to two of your colleagues’ postings and explain how your colleagues’ posts might help you refine and inform your own theoretical orientation.

Select and respond to a colleague who selected a different theory and title your posting as follows: “Integrating [X] theory into [Y] theory”

Each response should be at least one paragraph long.  label the response as “screenshot 40” and “screenshot 41”


Could they help to improve policy and/or practice? What are the implications of the methodologies used for policy and practice?

Social work foundations of research

You need to search for/locate two contrasting pieces of primary research in this field: (i) they do not need to have exactly the same aims (ii) a quantitative study “versus” a qualitative study is a good idea (iii) you need to understand their respective methodologies .
A suggestion: use the table  to help you to analyse the two pieces of research. Compare and contrast their respective aims; epistemologies; methodologies and methods; samples/subjects; data and analysis; ethics.
Make sure you are clear about the epistemological, methodological and ethical issues raised in each piece. You need to discuss these differences.
Make sure you have read about contrasting epistemologies, e.g. positivism” versus” interpretivism.
Make sure you have read about the different methodologies/methods used in each piece of research, e.g. use a textbook such as Clark et al.  or any other which has chapters on various methodologies/methods. If one of your examples is, say, an ethnography, then read about ethnographic research approaches and methods. If it’s a survey, make sure you understand survey approaches.
Think and read about the implications for social work policy, practice and future research of the studies’ (i) findings and (ii) methodologies. Have the findings influenced policy and practice and/or how could they? Could they help to improve policy and/or practice? What are the implications of the methodologies used for policy and practice? E.g. do some methodologies dominate the field? Has one the methodologies analysed contributed a particularly novel or challenging set of findings/claims? Why? Do we need more research? Of what kind and why? What kind of power dynamics are raised in the research and how can research challenge oppression?

How can you use this awareness to address and challenge social inequalities in your future role as a social worker?

Assignment title: Select one of the protected characteristics under The Equality Act
2010. Drawing upon relevant theory and research, explain why people identifying with such characteristics are likely to experience discrimination and oppression. How can you use this awareness to address and challenge social inequalities in your future role as a social worker?

The characteristic that I have chosen is Race

ways in which white people who aren’t white experience discrimination
Introduction- what does race mean? Link to discrimination
Include the following and link this to the chosen characteristic which is race:
Statistics- life expectancy E.G: if you live in a posh are race isn’t questioned but if you live in a white are with strong views of EDL then its race discrimination etc
Poverty: low house income? Single parent family? Can they afford tuition? Can they live on benefits and still survive after payed bills? How can this effect race?
Jobs- why people cant get them?
Health- access to services, long waiting queue?
Police responses- lateness why ? link this to the chosen characteristic

Why does the issue matter to social work, social workers, or service users?

This is the article and underneath are the questions /requirements. Please don’t just copy and paste information, I need critical answers with incitation and reference. I need an explanation to every answer
Thank you very much.
1. Collaborative autoethnography for eliciting and understanding the lived experience of social work placement
1. why does the issue matter to social work, social workers, or service users?
2. What methodology are used in this research
3. Detail research objectives or aims
4. Is the research design exploratory, descriptive, experimental, mixedmethod design, etc. and does it alignment with the objectives or aims of the research? Define Exploratory method and its strength and limitation in this case
5. What Sampling and recruitment strategies were employed and the impact of these on the representativeness and/or generalizability of the findings. What impacts does this sampling method have on the representativeness and generalisability of the findings and what alternative is there to this sampling method.
6.Write on the data collection method(s) employed
7. Ethical issues raised by the study methodology and the extent to which these are adequately addressed .
8. A reflection and application, inclusive of an overview of the key findings of the research and how they might inform social work knowledge and/or practice.
9. What alternative approaches to pursuing the research, and how this could provide a different understanding of the issue