Discuss conflict resolution skills that you plan to actively pursue on a personal and professional level.
Self Improvement Plan of Action
For the final assignment, students will retake 2 Emotional Intelligence questionnaires (Either from the Bradberry and Greaves textbook or from the websites provided in the resource section below).
Students should note changes experienced throughout the seven-week class, and provide a written reflection of their EI strengths and weaknesses.
From this personal analysis, students will create a plan of action towards self management, social management, and conflict resolution.
What should be included in the final assignment?
Cover Page (formatted in APA 7th edition)
Student must clearly articulate EI scores earned in week 1 when they first took the EI questionnaire and then compare this to week 7 scores after they retook the EI questionnaire.
Was there improvement? Explain.
Body of Paper
Identify and explain in detail your EI strengths and weaknesses
Develop a personal plan of action towards self and social management.
Topics you might cover in personal plan of action:
Make a list of emotional intelligence goals that you plan to further develop in coming years.
Explain in detail why these goals will be beneficial to you personally and socially.
Based on EI weaknesses, what are some steps you might take towards regulating your emotions?
Based on EI strengths, what do you bring to the table that future employers will be interested in terms of emotional intelligence, connectivity, empathy, resilience, or other emotions?
Discuss conflict resolution skills that you plan to actively pursue on a personal and professional level.
Conclusion: Take time to reflect on what you have learned in this class.
Reference page: This should include a minimum of 4 references formatted according to APA 7th Edition formatting standards (more references are welcome, but 4 is the minimum).
2 references can be inclusive of your textbooks
1 scholarly reference
1 website
The final assignment should be 4-6 pages in length (The cover page and the reference page are in addition to the 4-6 pages required for the body of the paper).
Keep in mind, you are encouraged to begin work on the final assignment in week 6. However, the assignment is due in week 7.
Remember, when collecting source material, you will need at least 4 references (1 of them a scholarly reference from peer-reviewed journals); each reference must be cited within the text of the paper.
Paper must be formatted in APA style (7th Edition).