Discuss if there are times when a language rule can be broken or changed.

Research on double negatives

The English rule i chose was on double negatives
Write an essay on the language issue you chose in which you explain the background of the issue and take a stance on regarding the usage rules related to the issue.

Be sure your essay addresses the following points:
Explain the rule or language issue you chose.
Discuss if there are times when a language rule can be broken or changed.
Explain the views of language experts on this topic. Do they agree or conflict? Is the usage rule controversial?
Include the data on usage you gather from your interactions with friends or by listening to people on the radio or on TV.
Take a clear stance about the usage rules related to the issue you chose. If possible, specify which rules seem preferable in specific contexts. Clarify whether you think following the rule is important and under which circumstances it’s best to follow the rule.

The student appropriately explains the reasons for the choice of topic and audience.
The letter is centered on the thesis statement, which is clearly stated.
The letter demonstrates a good grasp of the topic in question, and the claim is supported convincingly.
The letter is very well organized and contains only minimal spelling or grammatical errors.
The student displays excellent knowledge of language issues and usage.
The essay is well researched and centered on a clear thesis statement.
The student demonstrates a very good understanding of the subject and fulfills each item on the checklist appropriately.
The essay is very well organized and contains minimal spelling or grammatical errors.