Discuss the impact of policing on Aboriginal people. For this question students will need to examine how over-policing and under-policing impact on these rates, the significance of policing culture and so on.

The Royal Commission into Aboriginal Deaths in Custody emphasised the social, cultural and legal issues underlying the incarceration rates and deaths of Aboriginal people in custody. Why was a Commissioner specifically appointed to oversee social issues?
The imprisonment rates of Aboriginal people have continued to rise, despite the Royal Commission into Aboriginal Deaths in Custody’s final recommendation of “imprisonment as a last resort”.

Discuss the impact of policing on Aboriginal people. For this question students will need to examine how over-policing and under-policing impact on these rates, the significance of policing culture and so on.
Violence against women is at abhorrent levels in Victoria. Is this an Australia wide problem or specific to Victoria? And how is this pattern of gendered violence impacted by race and racism? For this question, students will need to use statistics/data to undertake a comparative analysis. Students should also discuss why Victoria is the only state to have a Royal Commission into Family Violence.