Distinguish between disparate impact and disparate treatment discrimination claims.Determine if an at-will employee has sufficient basis for wrongful discharge.

The Employment Law Toolkit: Resources for Understanding the Law and Recurring Legal
Learning Objectives
After completing this chapter, you should be able to:

LO1 Understand how to read and digest legal cases and citations.

LO2 Explain and distinguish the concepts of stare decisis and precedent.

LO3 Evaluate whether an employee is an atwill employee.

LO4 Determine if an atwill employee has sufficient basis for wrongful discharge.

LO5 Recite and explain at least three exceptions to employmentatwill.

LO6 Distinguish between disparate impact and disparate treatment discrimination claims.

LO7 Provide several bases for employer defenses to employment discrimination claims.

LO8 Determine if there is sufficient basis for a retaliation claim by an employee.

LO9 Identify sources for further legal information and resources.