Explain how the improved process will create a competive advantage and begin to formulate a strategy for changing this business process.

Business Process Re-Engineering

Using the business process you iden!fied in Ac!vity 2.2, determine how the process could be improved, and how informa!on systems u!lized within that business process would be impacted.

Provide a brief explana!on of where there could be improvements to enhance the competive advantage of that organization. Then, create a revised workflow diagram of the improved process.

Explain how the improved process will create a competive advantage and begin to formulate a strategy for changing this business process. Provide a brief descrip!on of anything that will need to be taken into consideration if you were to implement this new business process.

Note: This is the same type of workflow diagram as you created in Ac!vity 2.2, but you will be revising it to show improvements in the process. These improvements may be due to the implementa!on of a new system, creating more efficiencies, enhancing customer experiences, or other compe!!ve advantages that could be made with a new or upgraded exis!ng informa!on system.

Refer to the rubric for detailed grading criteria.