Identify and describe the steps you take to manage your time to balance school,work,family,and other responsibilities.

A process analysis essay focuses on a series of steps. These steps may describe how to do something, like how to balance a checkbook or how to change the oil in a car. Another approach is to describe how something is done. In this case, the steps might describe how the Federal Reserve decides to raise interest rates, or how your college spends your tuition money.

For your process analysis prewriting, choose one of the following topics.

Identify and describe the steps you take to manage your time to balance school,work,family,and other responsibilities.

If you have difficulty managing your time, identify steps you could implement to help accomplish your school, work, family, and other responsibilities.

If you have succeeded in creating a good balance between work and life, work and school, or work and home, explain the steps you took to achieve that specific balance.

Prewriting Instructions:

This prewriting assignment requires two paragraphs. Each paragraph employs a pattern of development that was covered in the reading for this lesson. Before you begin, you should review narration, description, and process analysis by reviewing the required reading for Lesson 5. You should also review the section on freewriting in chapter 4 in your textbook. Because this assignment focuses on your own process for managing your time or achieving a work/life balance, you will use first-person (I) point of view.