Identify potential differences in how people culturally see physical and emotional symptoms.

Module 10: Effects of Trauma

You are required to do a short critically reflective write-up about two pages or less—where you
articulate in one to three sentences for each learning outcome, evidence that you have achieved that outcome.

In addition, 2) you are required to write two paragraphs in your own words about what was most valuable/interesting to you in studying this module, and in doing so, making reference to at least two of the readings and/or videos.

Learning Outcomes:
You will:

Identify the differentiations between stress, minor trauma, and severe trauma.

Name reasons why people may not be able to identify their emotional reactions to trauma.

Identify the two opposite extreme responses to trauma.

Name how a traumatized persons tendency to numbing may mislead others.

Identify potential differences in how people culturally see physical and emotional symptoms.