Identify your essay, you should name or save your paper by using your last name first, the initial letter of your first name, followed with information about the course, type of assignment, and session, for example, Gonzalez, L SPA 318-41 Essay #2.

This essay is assigned to students to assess their understanding of the readings and films, as well as provide an opportunity to students to give their opinion about the films and readings. Students are expected to write an essay that finds and describes the similarities and differences between the films and the relation of each film to their corresponding readings.
The films for this essay deal with different social movements, i.e., the liberation theology and women’s movements. For this second essay, link the two films to the readings as you find similarities and differences. In this essay, you need to include at least two of the three films listed below:
1. Romero
2. In the Time of the Butterflies
This essay will be graded only if it is submitted in Word format. Format instructions are the following:
1. This essay must three pages long.
2. Line spacing must be double.
3. Margins of 1 inch must be used on all four sides of the page.
4. The body of the document must be typed using 12-point Times New Roman font.
5. Page numbers should be typed in Times New Roman,10-point size and placed 1⁄2 inch from the bottom of the page. 6. On the cover page write your name, the title of your response paper and the course information: SPA 318-41, Essay #2, Movements of Latin America, and Summer 2022.
To identify your essay, you should name or save your paper by using your last name first, the initial letter of your first name, followed with information about the course, type of assignment, and session, for example, Gonzalez, L SPA 318-41 Essay #2. Students who fail to follow any of the above instructions will lose 4 points, which will be deducted from the total points obtained for this assignment.
Moreover, students who submit their paper late will lose 2 points.