What is the importance of the alphabetic principle as related to phonics development?

Answer questions A-E listed below. Develop a 1.5 – 2 page, single-spaced essay that addresses the questions. Use the questions as guides to help your thinking and as a checkpoint to ensure you cover the items mentioned in the questions.

It is important students focus on developing their communication skills in writing. An essay approach to this assignment is best. When developing your essay, please adhere to the following:

ONLY use the resources available in this module and your course textbook to help you develop your answers.
Reference items in your write-up .
Format: Times New Roman, Size 12 Font and Single-space

Guiding Questions

A. (a) Explain the alphabetic principle.

(b) What is Phonics?

(c) What is the importance of the alphabetic principle as related to phonics development?