What’s the evidence? What sorts of source materials does the author use? Does there seem to be anything missing?

This is a book review on the book “Team Chemistry: The history of drugs and alcohol in Major League Baseball” Illinois: University of Illinois Press 2016 By: Nathan Michael Corzines

This is from my History of Baseball College Class

The information that is needed in this essay is stated below:

1. Who is the author? What’s his/her background? What’s the general theme of the book

2. What’s the argument, or thesis? What’s the main point that the author is trying to make?

3. Summarize the arguments. This isn’t a chapter-by-chapter retelling, but more of a summary of key points that arise at various points of the book.

4. What’s the evidence? What sorts of source materials does the author use? Does there seem to be anything missing?

5. Finally, how does the argument of this book relate to themes or issues that we’ve talked about before in this class?