Which is the best outcome? What if the one individual is a young pregnant woman while the passengers are elderly?

Writers choice

Ethical Dilemma- Human Response vs. Machine Response
In light of the excitement of self-driving vehicles taking over the roads in the near future, many ethical dilemmas remain. Borenstein, Herkert, & Miller explain that the number of literary dissertations concerning self-driving vehicles are growing rapidly, but most of them tend to primarily focus on the ethical issues. Many ethical problems arise when it involves some sort of a reaction with the vehicle when placed in a multi-factor situation, or “trolley-type” scenarios .

The trolley scenario is a predicament where one must choose is it worth saving the one individual in the path of danger and losing the five passengers, or to save the five passengers and lose the one individual. Which is the best outcome? What if the one individual is a young pregnant woman while the passengers are elderly?