Calculate,interpret and critique a range of financial strategic performance measures such as Return on Investment (ROI) Residual Income (RI) and Economic Value Added (EVA).
Performance Improvement and Management in Health & Social Care
As part of the formal assessment for the programmeyou are required to submit aPerformance Improvement and Management in Health & Social Careassessment.refer to your Student Handbook for full details of the programme assessment scheme and general information on preparing and submitting assignments.
Learning Outcomes:After completing the module,you should be able to:Analyse, evaluate and apply a range of strategic planning models.Calculate,interpret and critique a range of financial strategic pEconomic Value erformance measures such as Return on Investment (ROI) Residual Income (RI) and Economic Value Added (EVA).Evaluate the use of problem–solving and investment appraisal models.Critically evaluate the use of non–financial and multidimensional models of performance management.Graduate attributes:Discipline Expertise:Knowledge and understanding of chosen field. Possess a range of skills to operate within this sector, have a keen awareness of current developments in working practice being well–positioned to respond to change.Maximum word count:4000 words