Can she write about love or what? Read the four sonnets, then find an article of literary criticism from a literary journal using a database like JSTOR or ProQuest through ASU’s library, and see what a critic has to say about any of her sonnets.

FOR ALL FORUMS GOING FORWARD, initial responses will not do; our text’s editor’s perspectives on author, era, and larger sections, within which the readings fall, must be consulted and drawn from in your connections/reflections. REREAD this passage carefully!

Elizabeth Barrett Browning’s sonnets, especially XLIII, from her book Sonnets from the Portuguese, are some of the most recognizable of all English sonnets.

Can she write about love or what? Read the four sonnets, then find an article of literary criticism from a literary journal using a database like JSTOR or ProQuest through ASU’s library, and see what a critic has to say about any of her sonnets—whether it is about the four sonnets in our anthology or other poems by her. Share a point from the scholarly article that you think is salient. And cite the source, and page number, which requires selecting the option to open the article/file in .pdf.