Demonstrate an understanding of the challenges that you may face and how you might address them.

Developing as a researcher
Should critically reflect on the activities you have highlighted in your presentation and demonstrate how they have informed or are informing your development as a doctoral researcher.This might be done in reference to Vitae’s Researcher Development Framework or a Training Needs Analysis.This part of your submission should evidence that you are taking ownership of your career development and identifying as an independent researcher within a wider community of research practice.

Plan for development
You should also submit a plan for your future professional development beyond the PGCert that aligns with your aspirations during and beyond your doctorate. This may include, for example, any conferences that you would like to attend, teaching that you may wish to undertake and publications that you may wish to prepare. Your plan should coherently and clearly demonstrate how these activities will enhance your development as a researcher. You should also demonstrate an understanding of the challenges that you may face and how you might address them.