Demonstrate clear evidence of an understanding of a variety of theoretical concepts gained from the literature on managing innovation,creativity and enterprise.

Innovation,Creativity and enterprise

Your assessment should:

Demonstrate clear evidence of an understanding of a variety of theoretical concepts gained from the literature on managing innovation,creativity and enterprise.

Demonstrate, and evidence, an ability to discuss application of theoretical concepts to the work place setting.

Demonstrate the ability to identify a specific scenario within the workplace setting where entrepreneurial thinking is used to provide a solution.

Demonstrate the ability to reflect upon decisions made and adapt practice to enhance workplace performance.

Demonstrate an appropriate format of presentation,free of spelling or grammatical error,fluent and clear writing style, adherence to norms of referencing in Harvard Style, ncluding references to online sources.

Assessment format

The format of your submission may be:

Oral presentation supported by PowerPoint of 20 minutes

Report consisting of 4,000 words.

Other approaches may be considered if you are able to demonstrate how the approach satisfies the assessment criteria and meets the learning outcomes of the module.