Demonstrate the cause-and-effect relationship between at least four stages of the woolen trade process.

Completion of the following assignment will demonstrate your mastery of the impact that the revival of trade in the High Middle Ages had upon European society by fostering the growth of urban centers.

Your task is to craft an essay that explains the major points in the symbiotic chain of events – from shepherding to the sale of woolen clothes – in this development.
Your assigned reading from the textbook will be the basis for your understanding of the material, but you may wish to consult the following resources as well (though they are not required):

Demonstrate the cause-and-effect relationship between at least four stages of the woolen trade process.

For example: new developments in agriculture allowed farmers to focus on non-staple crops, which gave rise to shepherding. They needed shears to trim the sheep, which gave rise to the shearing trade and shear craftsman trade. The sheared wool had to be transported from agricultural centers to production centers, which gave rise to the wagon making industry, the shipping industry, road building, etc.