Describe how a judge with that perspective would approach the resolution of the legal dispute.

Unit 7 Final Paper

Choose three of the following perspectives, and for each one thoroughly describe how a judge with that perspective would approach the resolution of the legal dispute.

Natural Law

Legal Positivism

Legal Realism

Critical Legal Theory

Discussing both sides of the dispute, explain how the Christian doctrine of Justice, as described in this course, contributes to the resolution of this particular legal dispute, as well as disputes and conflicts in general.

The paper must be formatted as follows:
1. Microsoft Word format
2. 10-12 pages
3. Times New Roman font, 12-point type, double-spaced
4. 1-inch margins
The final paper will help students recognize specific theories of justice (which they have learned about in this course) in the context of a factual scenario. This unit will also help them apply the theory to the factual scenario in order to address specific instances of injustice. Finally,it will help them understand the strengths and weaknesses of the theories in order to critique them and suggest improvements.