Describe your data (including sources and descriptions of variables), ideally including a well-labelled Figure.

Applied Econometrics Independent Research Project Term Paper

The essay should be an academic piece of writing (avoid casual language, bullet points, make sure you correctly cite the
relevant literature, and do not copy and paste Rcode or output). The essay should follow a clear and coherent structure,
for example you could structure your paper as:

1) Introduction

Stating your hypothesis, explain why this topic is important and relevant, what related literature already exists
(correctly citing relevant papers), and how your work contributes to the existing literature on this topic.

2) Data

Describe your data (including sources and descriptions of variables), ideally including a well-labelled Figure.

3) Methods

Describe your estimated model (ideally as an equation), justify the functional form you choose (log, quadratic,
etc.) and what assumptions you make in your model, and whether these assumptions are reasonable in your