Did God ever intent for humanity to never eat meat, and why? Did subdue and steward the earth include eating animals pre-fall/flood? What is the idea behind the sinful blood taste of humankind pre-flood?

Exegetical-Theological Dietary Commands of Pre-Flood & Post-Flood (Genesis 1:25-31; 9-3-7)

Further thoughts and direction: God restricting diets to plants in Genesis 1:29-31 but by Genesis 9:3-7 after the flood humankind are permitted to eat meat. Food plays a significant role in Genesis-1:29-30 because diet is a big deal and motif it speaks not just to the physical eating of food but also to what God is showing about God’s nature. Also, was Daniel’s 1:3-10 and his preference and superiority of a vegetable-based diet written in Baylon during exile part of Daniel’s anti-pagan polemic protest? We know its the king’s meat that he rejects but why even go for a plant -based diet? Did God ever intent for humanity to never eat meat, and why? Did subdue and steward the earth include eating animals pre-fall/flood? What is the idea behind the sinful blood taste of humankind pre-flood? the life of the being being in the blood, is that why blood eating if forbidden? what are the implications? What does this restriction tell me about God and humanity?