Discuss how family is involved in the process of arranged marriage: Which family is involved in the process? Whose voices are heard, and whose voices are NOT heard?

Open a Word document and set it to double-spacing, 12 pt. Times New Roman font.
• Discuss how family is involved in the process of arranged marriage: Which family is involved in the process? Whose voices are heard, and whose voices are NOT heard?
• Based on your observations from the documentary, compare and contrast how arranged
marriage is both different from and similar to how marriage occurs in the United States.
• Apply Erikson’s psychosocial theory, to arranged marriage, using Stages 1, 5, and 6.
o Explain how you believe Stage 1 is related to arranged marriage? How is this crisis resolved in the Indian culture?
o Explain how you believe Stage 5  is affected by the situations
you saw in the film. How is this crisis resolved in the Indian culture?
o Explain how you believe Stage 6 is affected by what you saw in
the film. How is this crisis resolved in the Indian culture?
• Identify and apply TWO (2) types of love you saw demonstrated/evolve in the film, in
accordance with Sternberg’s triangular theory of love. Identify and apply at least TWO forms of love; more are welcome.