Discuss how the family support practitioner could work in an anti-oppressive manner that is in line with the value of social justice with the family/ family member.

Students should carry out the following in their assessment:

Using at least two of the sociological theories/concepts discussed in this module (functionalism, Marxism, feminism, Critical Race theory, Queer theory, labelling theory, social constructivism, Goffman’s concept of stigma, moral panics, social model of disability), explore the theme of social injustice in relation to the family/ chosen family member

Describe how at least one piece of social policy or piece of legislation (recent Welfare Reforms/Equality Act 2010/ Human Rights Act 1998) might either promote or impede social justice with the family/family member

Discuss how the family support practitioner could work in an anti-oppressive manner that is in line with the value of social justice with the family/ family member.

Reflect on their learning on social justice and how this has influenced their personal and professional value based