Discuss pending Medicare fee restructuring under the ACO, bundled payment, and the ACO, what’s different? How will these changes impact health care delivery and access?
Medicare bases eligibility primarily on age (65 or over). Medicare comes closer to the concept of social insurance that is employed in most industrialized countries of the world; it is financed by a designated tax and premium payments, and operates out of a trust fund. Medicare involves substantial effective transfer payments from younger persons who are currently working to those who are older, retired, and no longer paying the tax. The largest gap in the current Medicare program is coverage for long term care.
Part 1.Discuss statistics on physician incomes.Explain how the Medicare RBRVS reimbursement system was designed to rebalance incomes across specialties and provide more payment for thinking and caring.Discuss pending Medicare fee restructuring under the ACO, bundled payment, and the ACO, what’s different? How will these changes impact health care delivery and access?