Discuss the four categories of criteria for developing criterion-referenced tests. Assess the five learning components of an instructional strategy.

Planning Instructional Strategy
We will begin this week by exploring four types of criterion-referenced tests including entry skills tests, pretests, practice tests, and posttests. We will discuss why, when, and how to incorporate criterion-referenced tests into the learning design process. In addition, we will learn how to design and develop tests that are suitable for learners and performance objectives.
Then, we will focus on instructional strategy and how to engage students in learning. We will review Gagne’s Conditions of Learning and Keller’s ARCS mode which will be helpful when planning instructional strategies. We will also examine how to design or choose learning components according to learners’ maturity and ability levels.
After completing this week, you should be able to:
Discuss the four categories of criteria for developing criterion-referenced tests.
Assess the five learning components of an instructional strategy.
Design a learning activity and teaching strategy that aligns with learning objectives.
Create assessments that align with learning objectives.
Evaluate how the ARCS model can be used in instructional design.