Discuss which parts of Winthrop’s advice do you think would be the most effective in building a strong community? Why? Be specific.

A City upon A Hill reading reflection

In paragraph one, discuss how each speaker interpreted the phrase “city upon a hill” and if Kennedy and Reagan interpretations are similar to or different from Winthrop’s interpretation?  While creating your argument, consider when the phrase that were used. For example, Kennedy used the phrase when entering office, and Reagan used the phrase as a farewell when leaving office.

In paragraph two, discuss which parts of Winthrop’s advice do you think would be the most effective in building a strong community? Why? Be specific. In paragraph three, share your thoughts on if you feel America still consider itself a model for the rest of the world? Why or why not? Make sure you provide specific evidence of current events to support your position, and be respectful. Please note: each paragraph should be at least 100-words and remember to indent and edit your paragraphs before submission.