Does the overall rating reflect the bilingual EL student’s abilities in the larger academic context? How well do ratings in the individual language ability areas reflect the overall assessment?
Final projects will consist of 4 discrete sections:
A brief overview of your work with your student. Describe your student’s academic and linguistic background and include any interesting features of your time spent together. (Maximum: 3/4 page)
Linguistic Analysis
An analysis of your student’s linguistic development as represented in the language sample:
Phonological development
Morphological development
Syntactic development
Semantic development
Pragmatic competence (e.g., discourse routines, social conventions)
Free choice: anything else that strikes you as important. Analysis of additional features not listed but studied this semester are welcome in this section.
Recommended Classroom Practices
Describe 2-3 recommended instructional strategies for working with your bilingual EL student.
Strategies should target improving content area development and comprehension based on your work together.
SOLOM Results and Discussion
Analyze the how and why of your participant’s SOLOM results.
How (well) does the SOLOM measure a learner’s use of: syntax, semantics, morphology, phonology, language use/usage? Which features of the bilingual EL student’s oral language prompted the rater to place him/her at each level in each domain? Does the overall rating reflect the bilingual EL student’s abilities in the larger academic context? How well do ratings in the individual language ability areas reflect the overall assessment?
What questions did the SOLOM answer for you as a teacher? Were any areas left unaddressed?