Explain Ferguson’s argument, including her definition of “choice feminism” and whatever term you decide to use, especially if you decide to opt for “third-wave feminism.”

In Michaele Ferguson’s article “Choice Feminism and the Fear of Politics,” she writes that,“Choice feminism evinces a fear of politics. It aims to avoid having to make judgments, to avoid taking controversial stands that might offend and exclude, and to de-radicalize feminist claims” (248). Do you agree with this claim?In your response, make sure to:

Provide a clear thesis for what you are arguing in response to this claim and why

Explain Ferguson’s argument, including her definition of “choice feminism” and whatever term you decide to use, especially if you decide to opt for “third-wave feminism”

Use at least one other reading from Tuesday, August 10 Snyder-Hall or Hirschmann in your response

Think about the stakes. Why is this important, especially in movement politics?