Explain how the load path is changed by the damages leading to the risk identified above. Comment on the amount of horizontal deflection before and after the damages.

Faculty of Engineering, Environment and Computing
Structural Analysis

Part 1 – Modelling of steel frame without damages

Model the original undamaged structure as a 2D frame. The following should be reported: the bending moment and the shear force diagrams for all column and beam members; the axial forces in all columns and bracings; horizontal deflection at the top of the structure. Indicate the “significant values” in the diagrams.

Save the software project file with a name of “Group number_modelA”.

Part 2 – Modelling of steel frame with damages

Repeat the modelling exercise in Part 1 with the following modifications to represent damages:

The beam to column connections marked as “D” (for damaged) become a pinned connection due to bolt failure caused by corrosion instead of original rigid connection.
The column bases marked as “D” is no longer rigidly connected to the pad foundation but only “pinned” to the foundation due to damage to the stiffeners of the connections caused by corrosion.

The following should be reported: the bending moment and the shear force diagrams for all column and beam members; the axial forces in all columns and bracings; horizontal deflection at the top of the structure. Indicate the “significant values” in the diagrams.

Save the software project file with a name of “Group number_modelB”.

Part 3 – Parametric Studies and discussion

NOTE: No capacity check according to design code is required since the strength of the material is unknown. You should assume that the given structure without damage is able to take the bending moments, shear forces etc found in the undamaged structure model in Part 1 above.

Identify the minimum capacity of the structural members as indicated from the results of the undamaged structure in Part 1.
Identify the maximum axial force, shear and bending moment applied to the structural members of damaged structure.
Compare the findings in (i) and (ii) above and identify the most likely failure condition for each mechanical factor of bending moment, shear force and axial force.
Explain how the load path is changed by the damages leading to the risk identified above.Comment on the amount of horizontal deflection before and  after the damages.