Explain the difference between probability and non-probability sampling.

Business Analysis

You have been asked to conduct a survey of your fellow colleagues to gauge their response to the possibility of introducing a holiday pay scheme. Explain the significance of the following:

You need to start by explaining the objective of the study and what you hope to achieve.

Explain why it is important to identify the population when conducting a survey.

Define population and likely attributes that should be included in the sample population (link all explanation/analysis to the scenario)

What are the likely constraints?

Define the following

Sample population

Population frame

Sampling techniques

Define sampling and explain why a sample must be drawn from the population.

Explain the difference between probability and non-probability sampling.

Provide examples of probability sampling: simple random, cluster and stratified techniques.

Provide examples of non-probability sampling: judgement sampling, snowballing, purposeful, quota etc.

Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of probability/non-probability sampling (e.g bias/error/size)

Use relevant academic literature/sources to support your arguments.