Explain the reasoning that Rawls provides to support his contention that the two principles of justice are the correct principles to organize institutions.

Attention: Read this carefully: It is three pages double spaced. 12 font.

You have already written this paper for me using two outside resources plus two of my attached resources. My instructor told me that we are not allowed to use outside resources.Write this topic using inside resources.Have already attached all you need. Only use these resources that have attached.Have attached your paper too.Do your best. Basically, the third page should be deleted and we have to write the third page based on the attached three resources.

John Rawls offers a theory of justice that, he claims,lies within the social contract tradition. And it seeks to offer a theory of justice that locates justice in institutional design rather than in character (for instance, as Plato does in the Republic).

Explain the reasoning that Rawls provides to support his contention that the two principles of justice are the correct principles to organize institutions.

Critically consider Rawls’ principles. What worries do they generate and is there a way for Rawls to respond to them? (note: you should explain no more than two objections)