Explain the ultimate conclusion given by the court as well as any concurring or dissenting opinions

Case Brief & Annotation Assignment

Wisconsin v. Mitchell, 508 U.S. 476 (1993)

Case Brief Instructions (IRAC Method): Thoroughly review court case and prepare a paper (a brief) that completely:

1) IDENTIFIES the legal issue(s) address by the court.

2) IDENTFIES the applicable rule(s), laws, or legal principles applied by the court.

3) EXPLAINS the underlying facts in relation to the identified rules.

4) EXPLAINS the ultimate conclusion given by the court as well as any concurring or dissenting opinions

5) explains YOUR reasoned opinion of the court’s decision as it is currently applied in real life.

Paper/brief should be 3 pages in length of actual content (excluding title page, reference list, etc) (Times New Roman font/ double spaced/ 12 point font size/ 1 inch margins) Use APA style in preparing this paper.

Annotation Paper: Once case brief completed, you will write a corresponding Annotation (summary) for this project. In 500 words or less, you will 1) SUMMARIZE court case (parts 1-5) and 2) STATE WHY this case is important for our study of criminal law. (1 page)