Explain why a combination of high, hot, and humid conditions creates high density altitude flying conditions. Your explanation should involve a discussion of how air temperature, pressure, humidity affect air density and thus the density altitude.

Finally, read the Forbes Magazine article, The Science Of Why It’s Too Hot For Some Planes To Fly In The Southwest U.S.

After reviewing the information on density altitude, you should understand the importance of air density on the ability of an aircraft to achieve flight and maneuver, and how high density altitude flying conditions – which are typically present on an otherwise “perfect” weather day – are an “invisible” flight hazard that pilots must be aware of during flight planning.

Now, synthesize and apply the information you reviewed on the concept of density altitude to address the following:

Using terms that an average person could easily understand and by applying related concepts and terms, present a practical definition of density altitude.
Fill in the blank: If the value of density altitude is relatively high, the air density is relatively _______.
Of the four main forces acting on aircraft, name the ones that are reduced by high density altitude flying conditions.
Of the four main forces acting on aircraft, name the one that can be altered, in the process of proper flight planning, to reduce the impact of high density altitude flying conditions.
Explain why a combination of high, hot, and humid conditions creates high density altitude flying conditions. Your explanation should involve a discussion of how air temperature, pressure, humidity affect air density and thus the density altitude.
Apply your understanding of density altitude to answer the following scenario-based question: