Have evaluated the accuracy of what just thought, heard or read by seeing if it agrees with what God has said in scripture?Does it align with my biblical worldview?

Application of Critical Thinking Skills

The Foundation for Critical Thinking shares many of its documents online. Among these documents is their list of 35 Critical Thinking Skills (see link below). Experience has shown that the appropriateness of critical thinking for use within Christian Schools is sometimes questioned. The validity of using what may be considered a progressive or postmodern resource is also questioned. Christian schools should not ignore contemporary educational thought and practice, but rather think critically about these theories and practices. Do the ideas align with biblical truth? For this you will write 12-15 biblical critical thinking skills (find the list of 35 a bit long for practical use). As you complete this assignment you will be practicing Critical Thinking and developing a working list of Critical Thinking skills for use within an educational institution.

Evaluate and identify the most important skills (your subjective analysis). Perhaps reduce the list to around twenty. You may want to read through the biblical references prior to starting this process.

Once the list has been narrowed use the biblical references (page two) to identify critical thinking that aligns with skills on the abbreviated list. In doing this you have not only validated the skill but you are in a position to write an integrated version of the skill. You need not be limited to this list of references. Consider the list a “work in progress”. Think beyond to other references (Proverbs, examples of critical thinkers (or non thinkers etc.).

Each skill on your integrated list should include the following:

The statement of the integrated skill—the integrated skill should retain the essence of the original skill while either correcting or amplifying the skill

A question the student might ask in regard to the skill

The biblical reference (both scripture and reference)

A reference to the original skill (i.e. S-15)

This assignment may be done individually or collaboratively. Upload the document to the course website in a word document. If working in a group, all individuals must submit a document with your names of the group on the document.

Example from 35 Critical Thinking Skills

S-15: developing criteria for evaluation: clarifying values and standards (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. (Links to an external site.)

Integrated Skill

Evaluate and clarify ideas (concepts), thoughts, and values through the lens of the inspired Word of God

Question: Have evaluated the accuracy of what just thought, heard or read by seeing if it agrees with what God has said in scripture?Does it align with my biblical worldview?