How do employees know what the strategic goals of the organization are?

Communicating the Strategic Plan

So how do organizations communicate the strategic plan?

As previously discussed,most organizations will have their vision and mission outlined on their website, but how do employees know what the strategic goals of the organization are? Many organizations conduct yearly training/presentations regarding the strategic plan.


Now that you have developed a plan to implement your strategy, you need to train the organization on the changes. In your presentation, be sure to include the following:

Discuss the necessity/importance of the changes.
Outline the changes.
Provide a timeline.
Identify specific jobs/roles that will be impacted.
Outline changes in procedure.
Discuss the proposed effects of implementation.
Length: 12 – 15 slides

References: 2-4

Your presentation should demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the ideas and concepts presented in the course and provide new thoughts and insights relating directly to this topic