How does the information in the source relate to your topic or support your position? Always write in your own words, paraphrasing sources. Do not copy verbatim or use quotes of sources for this assignment.

Lab: Townhall Summit Part II Discussion

The timeliness of the information
a. Does the source include the most current information?
Why does this matter? If you use outdated information in your argument you may come to the wrong conclusion, or you may not be persuasive.
It is not the most current information. It is important because the most current information will show the new research information. It would make the information more clear.
5. Relevance: The importance of the information for your needs and how it supports your position .
a. How does the information in the source relate to your topic or support your position? Always write in your own words, paraphrasing sources. Do not copy verbatim or use quotes of sources for this assignment.
Why does this matter? Some sources may discuss your topic, but only indirectly. Some sources may include information that is irrelevant or inaccurate. Identify exactly what information you would use in your script from this source to persuade an audience your position is the correct one.
Neonicotinoid insecticides harm roughly 80 percent of endangered species, which can cause populations of endangered animals to decline more quickly. For example, the bumblebee population in the United States has declined by 89 percent because of neonicotinoids.
b. Who is the intended audience? Is it the right level for use in a public forum?