How is effective assessment done? What tools/methods are used to make assessment for effective?
Creativity and assessment
Critically reflect on how creativity and assessment are used to support children’s learning in science.A creative tool was developed for a KS3 Biology class, where they had to do a story board for a journey of a sandwich through the digestive system. this was delivered across 3 lessons. Assess the students in relation to what they have learned using your creative tool.
intro – outline the aim of the assignment, talk about the school (i will add this in), the demographic (i will add this in) and the class that will be teaching for the lesson sequence (i will add this in). any SEND or EAL in the class (this can be left out – i can add this in at the end)
lit review – Defining creativity and what it means in the classroom. how can it be achieved in science, what factors increase it, so what can you as a teacher do to facilitate it as much as possible, how do you know students work is creative?
Defining assessment, different types. what type will you be looking at and why? thats AfL for us. how is effective assessment done? What tools/methods are used to make assessment for effective?