How,according to at least one of the authors we have read, is white privilege invisible?What role, according to George Lipsitz,do white people play in the continuance of white privilege?

White privilege

Your response for each question must be 200 words or longer.
Sample citations:
Quotation with the author’s name in the sentence:
Wordsworth stated that Romantic poetry was marked by a “spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings” (263).
Quotation without the author’s name in the sentence:
Romantic poetry is characterized by the “spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings” (Wordsworth 263).
Paraphrase with the author’s name in the sentence:
According to Freud, actual but unacceptable desires are censored internally and subjected to coding through layers of condensation and displacement before emerging in a kind of rebus puzzle in the dream itself (7).
Paraphrase without the author’s name in the sentence:
Actual but unacceptable desires are censored internally and subjected to coding through layers of condensation and displacement before emerging in a kind of rebus puzzle in the dream itself (Freud 7).
Exam Questions: (200+ words per answer)

How,according to at least one of the authors we have read, is white privilege invisible?What role, according to George Lipsitz, do white people play in the continuance of white privilege? Is the meaning of racism “‘useless’ because it has too many meanings?” (Kolchin 168). Why or why not?

In his introduction to How Racism Takes Place, George Lipsitz notes that “discrimination itself is a health hazard” (7). Place this assertion in conversation with Derald Wing Sue’s definition of microaggressions. To what extent does Sue’s argument align with Lipsitz’s? What, per Sue, are the consequences of microaggressions?

When and why, per Woody Doane and/or Gary Taylor has the category of whiteness expanded or the terms used to describe racism changed? When, according to Noel Ignatiev, did the birth of race occur? Ian Lopez asserts that “Whites should renounce their racial identity as it is currently constituted in the interests of social justice” (2). To what extent do you support this proposal?