State what you hope to accomplish with the project (goals) and spell out the specific results (objectives) you expect to achieve.

For this assignment,created a homeless shelter for men and women ages 18 and older located in Newark New Jersey. It is an 8–12-month program providing a variety of services through different phases. The services provided revolve around the top five reasons for homelessness. Poverty, Lack of Affordable Housing, Unemployment Substance Abuse and lack of needed services, and Mental Illness and lack of needed services. We will also provide money management and budgeting services to promote an ongoing healthy productive life.

For this assignment: This is a Business Grant Proposal. Your goals and objectives explain what your organization plans to do about the problem. State what you hope to accomplish with the project (goals) and spell out the specific results (objectives) you expect to achieve. Think of goals as general outcomes and objectives as the specific steps you will take to get to those outcomes. Utilize the SMART model for goal setting.Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Timely.