What did you find surprising and/or disturbing?If selected for NHANES would you participate in the NHANES survey? Explain–Why? Why not?


You hear that there are two research studies that are enrolling students on campus.
Study 1 is recruiting students with and without dandruff. This study will use food frequency questionnaires to look at past dietary intake.
Study 2 is recruiting healthy students and administering food frequency questionnaires. They will then track participants over time to look at the development of Alzheimer's disease.
Number each response
(1) What type of study is (a) Study 1 and (b) Study 2?
Write a 2 to 3 paragraphs to explain your answer for (a) and (b).
(2) Roughly how many people are enrolled in: (a) Framingham Heart Study?
(b) Nurses Health Study?
(c) Black Women’s Health Study?
(d) Hispanics Health Study?
(3) After viewing the NHANES videos
(a) What did you find surprising and/or disturbing?
(b) If selected for NHANES would you participate in the NHANES survey? Explain–Why? Why not?