What interpretation of the final goal of reproductive technologies does Jesudason endorse?

In the following viewpoint, Sujatha Jesudason recounts the violence and repression inflicted on women in her native India, ranging from infanticide to spousal abuse. That traditional violence may find new expression in reproductive technologies, she warns.
Emerging genetic technologies, such as preimplantation embryonic screening tests, have the potential to harm women’s health,Jesudason claims. One of her concerns is that as technology permits an increasing range of parental choices, women’s eggs and other body parts may increasingly be demanded to provide material for genetic enhancements of offspring. She also fears that children and their mothers will be valued by new, artificial standards of worth in keeping with available genetic enhancements.

Sujatha Jesudason is program director for gender, justice, and human genetics at the Center for Genetics and Society in California.

As you read, consider the following questions:

What, according to Jesudason, are the raw materials of reproductive technologies?1.

Why does the author call reproductive technologies violence against women?2.

What interpretation of the final goal of reproductive technologies does Jesudason endorse?