What is the difference between Castanea dentata and other species of chestnut? What is the natural geographical native range of Castanea dentata? What is the geographical range of Castanea mollissima?

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Mary was relieved to finally get some answers to her questions. However, she felt saddened by the demise of the American chestnut. It was such a beautiful tree that had provided a reliable source of food for people and wildlife for thousands of generations. Then the tree was gone from the forest in about forty years! During Mary’s initial research she read that scientists were working on restoring the American chestnut to the woodlands of eastern North America. Intrigued, Mary decided to learn more.Why do scientists want to bring back Castanea dentata(American chestnut) tree? List eight reasons.What is the difference between Castanea dentata and other species of chestnut? What is the natural geographical native range of Castanea dentata? What is the geographical range of Castanea mollissima?What are scientists doing to bring back the American chestnut tree? Pick one strategy scientists are employing and describe the technologies in detail.Explain and describe the use of Agrobacterium tumefaciensto transform plants like the chestnut.Describe the work scientists are conducting at SUNY on American chestnut trees. How do the American chestnut trees SUNY scientists develop resist the blight? Why is it important for scientists to increase genetic diversity of the modified trees before implementing them into a landscapescale restoration project?How are SUNY’s effortstowards restoring the American chestnut different from what TACF is doing at their Virginiabased orchard? Describe the effectiveness of hypovirulence.Explain the process of backcrossing that TACF and scientists like H. Craddock use.