What was the most difficult task to accomplish in this assignment?What can you do to improve future short research presentations?

Below is a list of potential ways to record your presentation, but you are welcome touse others:
A fast recording app to create a video fileand then share on YouTube. Easy to use. Use your screen and camera from yourcomputer to record you and your screen at the same time.
Blackboard Collaborate in MyTLC.
Use your cellphone and upload your recording into YouTube or any other socialnetwork.
Products similar to Screencast-O-Matic such as SimpleScreenRecorder, Jing, orothers described at the following website:
After you record the video share the link in the discussion, watch your own video,and write a short paper about the following:
1.What tool did you use to record your video? Include the link to your video.
2.What was the most difficult task to accomplish in this assignment?
3.What can you do to improve future short research presentations?