What’s the best choice of assisted feeding for this dog, and what factors would you consider when deciding the approach to feeding?

Animal Nutrition, Reproduction, Genetics, and Aging

This research project contains four parts. You’ll research and write regarding each of the following areas.

*Small Animal Clinical Nutrition and Feeding in Large Animal Production
*Hospice Care and the Human-Animal Bond

The recommended length is one to three pages. The questions should be thoroughly researched and answered, making sure to avoid straying too far from the stated focus. Use publication search engines such as PubMed to obtain original research papers if you plan to use these to address any of the questions. Consult reliable and up-to-date reference materials as needed and appropriate.

Part 1: Small Animal Clinical Nutrition and Feeding in Large Animal Production
This first part of the research project involves discussion of factors to consider and procedures for providing assisted nutrition for hospitalized patients.

A 12-year-old-dog who already has advancing renal failure was recently hit by a car and hospitalized. The dog has a jaw fracture and can’t eat. For three days prior to the accident, the dog had decreased appetite and wouldn’t eat.

What’s the best choice of assisted feeding for this dog, and what factors would you consider when deciding the approach to feeding?
Identify the most common mechanical complications associated with the assisted feeding method chosen, and describe the measures taken to prevent and address these complications.