When David smoked pot with Nic, what was your reaction?

Beautiful Boy Quiz Questions

After viewing the film Beautiful Boy,answer the following questions pertaining to the content of the film. Please site your resources in APA format If outside resources are utilized. Discussion questions are to be uploaded into assignments.

1. Discuss Nic’s descent. At what point do you think you would have noticed Nic had a serious problem and needed help? Were there times you disagreed with David Sheff’s course of action? What might you have done differently?

2. When David smoked pot with Nic, what was your reaction?

3. A friend of David’s expresses surprise at Nic’s addiction and says the Sheffs don’t seem like a dysfunctional family. Sheff responds, “We are dysfunctional….Am not sure know any ‘functional’ families”. How would you define a …
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