Why a given technology or idea gave birth to a movement, whether organizations dismissed or embraced this force, and the natural outcomes of that decision.
Through Discussion Board Forums and Journal Assignments, you have explored some of the emerging Disruptive Media Technologies and Cultural Trends (DMTCs) that can generate and affect businesses, nonprofits, churches, families, and other personally connected social units.
Your paper must consist of the following:
A detailed description of the chosen disruptive media technology and/or trending cultural idea, and its’ primary elements. Is this a regional, national, or global DMTC?
Historical antecedents of similar DMTC phenomena; why a given technology or idea gave birth to a movement, whether organizations dismissed or embraced this force, and the natural outcomes of that decision.
Conditions (societal, business, and cultural) that allow this DMTC phenomenon to gain “legs,” that is to say, the kind of compelling force that must be addressed. If the DMTC is of regional or national status, what would it take for this DMTC to reach global status?
A description of your chosen organization in terms of establishment, purpose, and in your opinion, potential opportunities and challenges.
Your strategic plan to effectively embrace selected components which will successfully transform your organization. Include a visual “landing page opportunities emerge?” website mock up that demonstrates your organization’s commitment to change.
how will your organization recognize and meet whatever challenges and/or opportunities emerge?