Are the premises of the arguments strongly supported by evidence?

Logic and Current Events

Share a source (or sources) that addresses or explains the issue/topic/event (you do not have to use scholarly sources here).

Share an argument on each side of the issue or explain the two different perspectives.

Evaluate the reasoning surrounding this topic. Address questions such as the following:

Are the competing positions clear?

Do the two positions/perspectives actually contradict each other?

Are the premises of the arguments strongly supported by evidence?

Do the arguments use good reasoning?

Are any fallacies or biases committed by either side?

Why do people hold the different positions/perspectives?

How might either (or both) sides express their perspectives more effectively?

Evaluate the rhetoric that surrounds this topic: Address questions such as the following: Are people being civil and fair minded in how they address the issue? How might one strive for greater fairness, objectivity, and civility in how we address this kind of topic? If we did so, would society be more likely to make progress on issues such as this?