Briefly summarize the eyewear industry (especially as it was when Warby Parker entered the scene).What barriers to entry existed for a small business?How did Warby Parker overcome these barriers?

Case Study: Warby Parker

Marketing Mix (6 points maximum)

Identify key elements of each component of Warby Parker’s Marketing Mix.  Feel free to speculate,but support your answers with some evidence as found in the project resources and your own research.Use the terms and concepts from the course material in your answers.  Be sure to identify and explicitly name any of the concepts you have encountered in this course.  For example, do not just narratively describe what you think Warby Parker’s pricing strategy is.You must name it and explain your answer in a way that demonstrates you understand the concept and can apply it in this real-world case.
1.       Product
2.       Place (Distribution)
3.       Price
4.       Promotion

Discussion Questions (3 points maximum)

Provide answers to the questions below,using complete sentences (bulleted lists are strongly encouraged when appropriate if they are introduced or summarized using complete sentences).When the question refers to specific topics or terms from the course content, be sure to make it obvious that you understand the concepts by identifying those parts of your answers explicitly.The distribution of points in this section is not always equally weighted to each question but is allocated in a way that is commensurate with the scope and complexity of each question.

1. Briefly summarize the eyewear industry (especially as it was when Warby Parker entered the scene).What barriers to entry existed for a small business?How did Warby Parker overcome these barriers?
2. Should Warby Parker charge more for frames purchased in stores than for frames purchased online to offset the higher cost of rent and store employees? Why or why not? Be sure to identify concepts from this course in your answer.
3. Describe your understanding of Warby Parker’s target market as specifically and quantitatively as possible.  Support your answer with your research.